About Omnes Energy

About Us

Providing Extraordinary Energy Savings

Omnes Energy Team

Omnes Energy personnel include engineers specialized in mechanics, manufacturing, controls systems, data acquisition software, and technicians for assembly and testing.

Partnership Opportunities

Sales Partners – Outright purchase of Omnes Energy’s storage units instead of participating in a shared savings or PPA model results in an outstanding 3-5 year payback. Omnes Energy is looking for sales partners to initiate and facilitate projects with businesses through direct sales or by setting up a Shared Savings Plan or PPA agreement.

Project Partners – Omnes Energy’s energy storage units cost less, provide over 10X longer life than batteries, are insensitive to temperature, and are more efficient than the competition, making them ideal for large scale projects. Omnes Energy is soliciting project partners to manage large projects involving energy storage.

Financial Partners – Omnes Energy is looking for direct investments and/or convertible debt loans to scale the manufacturing plant and to finance projects. With vertical integration and high production volumes, the price of Omnes Energy’s storage device is expected to fall below $250/kWh – a level not possible with other existing storage technology.

Contact: info@omnesenergy.com if interested in partnering with Omnes Energy.